Allentown, PA


B. Braun Medical is a Commercial Sterilizer located at 901 Marcon Boulevard in Allentown, PA.

Of roughly 255,616 people that live within five miles of the facility, approximately 48.7% are people of color, 36.5% are low-income, and 6.4% have limited English language proficiency. There are approximately 187 schools and childcare centers in this area.

The proportions of people of color, people with low income, and people with limited English language proficiency are more significant within five miles compared to the county average. In the census tract in which the facility is located, ethylene oxide emissions from all sources are estimated to contribute roughly 36.2% of cancer risk from toxic air pollutants.

1-800-LAW-FIRM understands the severe emotional and financial impact that cancer has on families.  We are investigating ethylene oxide exposure lawsuits on behalf of workers and nearby residents of B. Braun in Allentown/Lehigh Valley, PA.

If you believe that you or a loved one has suffered cancer, fertility issues, or other health issues related to ethylene oxide emissions, you may qualify to file a claim against the company.   Contact our team by filling out the form for a no-obligation, free claim review.

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